About Us

Hi, my name is Lez-Lee Bamford and welcome to Lez-Lee's Designs! I thought you might like to know a little about myself, such as how I became a jewelry designer and metalsmith. Located in Victoria, British Columbia, I began my silversmith training in the early '90s. My mentor was indeed an inspiration. I loved watching her transform a flat piece of metal into something beautiful – I've been hooked ever since. From that moment onward, I've taken every class I can find with other local artisans and watching all of the 'How-To' videos and tutorials. As a working mother of twins, I have had little time and space that is genuinely my own. I love my husband and my daughters, but I needed something that would ground me and maintain my sanity in our busy lives, mainly when my girls were small. A hammer and a piece of silver or a few shiny beads provided me just that. My family likes to tease me, saying that I must have been a crow in another life because of my love of shiny things, and they're not wrong. I believe that my work is an extension of who I am. I love nothing more than turning precious metals and shiny stones into collections of unique jewelry for others to treasure. I hope you enjoy my designs.

- Lez-Lee

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